We are a family oriented farm that lives life together. This is a diary of our lives together, and the ramblings of me, the trainer.

If you're in the Charleston area we'd love to meet you.

Clemson End of Summer Show

Friday, April 4, 2008

Busy Friday

The kids were out of school today. It was a busy work day around the farm. We rode in the morning. Tansey was sound walk/trot. Yippee!!! It's been a very long road back to sound after she scraped her leg. We will take it a bit easy to be sure she is good to go for the next show.

I delivered Maje and Zee to their new home today. They both seemed very happy.

Tomorrow is another full day. We have the show group lesson in the morning. Followed by a well deserved trail ride for a show students sister. I have a new boarder coming to check us out as well. Then it's off to look at a new horse for myself. Finishing off at the auction tomorrow night. I need to pick up some cheap equipment and am ready for a new rescue.

Sunday following church we are planning to clear more fence line. If anyone wants to bring over their chainsaw to help. All are welcome.

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Shiloh's Tall Tale aka. Shoalih's Tale

Showing off my baby

The above slide show is pictures I've managed to accumulate of my pride and joy...Shiloh. These are all pictures I've found of him on the web. They start with him as a yearling at the Saratoga sale and go up through his winning at the race track. You will find more pictures of him in the bottom slide show at the Clemson show with one of my students aboard back in Dec. 2007. Hopefully I will be able to add some pictures of myself showing him in the near future.

You'll notice a couple of the pictures are during his time at Canter. Please check out their website at http://www.canterusa.org/ohio They are running on very hard times right now and every penny people can send their way is greatly appreciated by the horses. If everyone who checks our blog regularly could send just $5 they could feed a horse for a month.