We are a family oriented farm that lives life together. This is a diary of our lives together, and the ramblings of me, the trainer.

If you're in the Charleston area we'd love to meet you.

Clemson End of Summer Show

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Barn Improvement

Since last week was spring break I thought it would be great to have the kids free to help Beth and I get everything moved to the show grounds. I was wrong. I totally underestimated the efficency of the routine Beth and I have establised. We took a total of 10 horses with us this weekend. That meant two trips for Beth with the big trailer. We got running behind on time and she almost missed a session at LEAP.

The Friedman's prepared our team dinner instead of us all going out to eat this time. They made a wonderful salad with pears, and sugar coated nuts (Diane knows what a sweet tooth I have). Spaghetti with meatballs, and sausage grinders with not one, but two types of sausage. The food continued throughout the weekend with french toast and sausage for breakfast, chicken salad pitas, and more each day.

Saturday was a day of highs and lows. Kenzie showed for the first time. She was adorable in her dress clothes and little saddle on Pickles. We made two laps before we were asked to reverse. K was talking a mile a minute saying she wanted to trot, canter, and "jump that fence". After the reverse she promptly threw her reins down and announced she was done. She had to tell the judge the name of her pony. She received her first ribbon and a small stuffed pony for a job well done.

Sean won his equitation class and took a reserve champion in his division. Paula had a stellar Saturday, and rode to the best of her current ability. Sadly the competition was a hair better in most of her classes. She did bring home seconds in her jr/am hunter division. I was very proud of how well she rode. We did have a few mishaps and learning curve moments Saturday. We ended the day hoping for a much improved Sunday.

Sunday started with Sean and Kaijsa riding in the hunter hack. Sean only last week got Maggie to actually jump a fence. Kaijsa took second on Rosie in the hack and Sean was fourth. Everyone rode better. Nicole F. brought home points on Pip Squeek in the medal class. Nicole A. brought home her own horse. That's right her parent's bought Whistle for her as a birthday present.
Anita managed to improve her steering and speed on Sunday. Gia did a fantastic job on Pickles and showed him to his best. She pushed him out into a fabulous trot.

All in all I'll let the picture talk for itself. It is missing several seconds and thirds from Paula's riding on Saturday. They got left in my truck.

Next stop Ashley Hall show on the 13th. (We're not showing Sat.)

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Shiloh's Tall Tale aka. Shoalih's Tale

Showing off my baby

The above slide show is pictures I've managed to accumulate of my pride and joy...Shiloh. These are all pictures I've found of him on the web. They start with him as a yearling at the Saratoga sale and go up through his winning at the race track. You will find more pictures of him in the bottom slide show at the Clemson show with one of my students aboard back in Dec. 2007. Hopefully I will be able to add some pictures of myself showing him in the near future.

You'll notice a couple of the pictures are during his time at Canter. Please check out their website at http://www.canterusa.org/ohio They are running on very hard times right now and every penny people can send their way is greatly appreciated by the horses. If everyone who checks our blog regularly could send just $5 they could feed a horse for a month.