We are a family oriented farm that lives life together. This is a diary of our lives together, and the ramblings of me, the trainer.

If you're in the Charleston area we'd love to meet you.

Clemson End of Summer Show

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Welcome Richman

M & M Farms would like to welcome Richman to the United States. This gorgeous stallion belongs to one of our boarders Kathleen. He will be stabled in Wellington Florida and be in FEI dressage training with a top 10 rider. His semen will also soon be available to approved mares.

Congratulations Kathleen!!!

Monday, January 28, 2008

Down and Out

It has been a rough few days here on the farm. I started with a head cold/sinus infection on Friday. It has been building all weekend, and I officially am on antibiotics today. The worst is the ear infection. It has my balance totally off, so no riding for the next couple of days. I have cancelled lessons for tonight.

We did manage to get the new horse; Tansey for Nicole last night. She was a dream to load and trailer. No stopping, no kicking, nothing. It was a very long trip as I was pounding the fluids trying to keep hydrated. She waited patiently at each stop for us to get back in the truck, and head on down to her new adventure. She unloaded quietly as could be, with very little concern for her new surroundings. She just took it all in stride. She did have a small love pat for Nicole as she stomped on her little toe as soon as they got into the barn. But otherwise they are a match made in heaven. Hopefully, Nicole will feel up to riding her today. We are planning to take her to the show this weekend.

Well I can feel the Sudafed kicking in, so I'm off to take a nap.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Succesful Saturday

Thank you to everyone who was here helping today. It was a good day on the farm. Although, I am down and out with a nasty head cold. As a result there hasn't been much riding happening the last couple of days. My sense of balance is way off. I did ground drive Jake today, which resulted in him bolting down the road to create a bit of excitement. He then promptly went back to work and was very willing to the bit. I drove him down the forest trails. He is good at the walk and starting to understand the bit pressure. I'll have to put him in the arena to work the trot on line.

The girls who will be showing next weekend had a lesson this morning, and all did very well. I know Nicole will feel more settled when her new horse arrives tomorrow. I think Paula and Jack are ready for the 2'6" classes. Things really seemed to click for them today. They worked on the roll backs today. Things were good, but Paula realized that she is really going to need to communicate to Jack where the next fence is in advance.

We had two horses come galloping up the drive today with saddles, but no riders. A bit of a scary moment until I learned that they bolted before anyone had a chance to get on.

I want to say a special thank you to Mark for all his work around the farm today. It was really a treat to get to know you better today. I look forward to learning from your constant support and cheerleading.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Lost Post

I had written and posted a couple of days ago, but apparently it didn't save. Here is a special treat to motivate all of you to go ride. Here is a degree of partnership we should all aspire too.
Thank you Emily for sending this to me.

You can find out more at http://www.westfallhorsemanhip.com/

Monday, January 21, 2008

What is lost is found

I found my lost post from the 21st. I'm still getting used to this technology thing. For those who were looking for the training updates from early in the week here you go. This should have been posted 1/21/08

The kids were out of school today. We started the day with a lesson for the girls going to the show in 10 days. It was the first time Gia jumped a course with Jessie. They did very well, and should be ready for the show. Jessie has great leads as long as Gia can get her deep enough in to the corners. Nicole helped immensely today by schooling a horse I'm looking at as a lesson horse. The horse isn't going to work out, but she really challenged Nicole's confidence. Nicole came out the other side very well. She made a lot of correction to her position, and hung in there when her nerves almost got the best of her. Then finally Paula tried a course at her show height today for the first time. She and Jack did very well. Although Jack might have done a bit more than Paula. Jack took the opportunity to teach Paula how to tell him when it's time to take off. Paula pulled it all together just in time for one final go round. It's been an amazing journey to see how Jack has helped Paula come into her own. Hopefully it will continue to come together before the horseshow. Stay tuned for the show results.

Sierra-- I worked Sierra in the roundpen today with side reins to start developing her headset and top line. She works very well in the round pen. I'd like to see her slow down her canter just a bit. I then hopped on her to work some circles to improve her steering. She continued to resist the bend and had some small hops, and inverted resistance. She did work on several circles for about 20 minutes. She had a more balanced trot today, and allowed me a few short spurts of sitting trot.

Jake-- A potential adopter came to look at Jake today. He was quite the gentleman. Hopefully he will have a new home soon. I'll anxiously await the call to let me know what they thought.

Rizzie-- The farrier came and so Rizzie had an intensive training session with his feet.

I won't likely get very much training completed tomorrow, so it may be Wed before I post again.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Overzealous initative

It's been raining buckets here all week. I'm actually running out of indoor projects to tackle. I've updated the book keeping, finished my monthly invoices, and even caught the website up to date. I've had it in the back of mind to get a blog going, so here it goes. I'm sending out an e-mail announcement to as many of you that are affilitated with the barn, as I can find addresses for. If you're here I'm guessing that's how you found this.

It's my intention to try and use this blog to post updates for horses in training, barn announcements, show reports, and the like. Please check back often. If there is anything of interest you stumble across on the web that you think I should include please forward it to me.

Now I need to find my camera so I can make this interesting.

Upcoming Events for February

We have several events coming up that you will be able to find us at. If you're up for a day out we'd love to have you come join us.

Feb 2 and 3 Pinto Show at Mullet Hall http://www.scptha.com/
Feb 9 Beach Ride at Myrtle Beach (mildly tentative)
Feb 23 and 24 Pinto Show at Mullet Hall http://www.scptha.com/

The Days Training Report

I'm going to try and post training reports every few days. I will try to refer to each horse both by the name we call them by as well as things they might have been known by formerly.

Sierra (Sienna)-- Sierra is here for training. She belongs to USERL. She is available
for adoption through their program. I was expecting her to take quite a bit of
ground work to establish a trusting relationship enough to let me on her back. But, man was I wrong. She was very warm and receptive during grooming and
had a solid ground work education. So, I through common sense to the wind and
hopped on her. She was very insecure under saddle, and wasn't sure she understood the bit. We walked and trotted for about 20 minutes without event. She even splashed in some puddles with me. I'll give her a couple of days and we'll go again.

Jessie (Just My Size)--Jessie is a medium pony that is green, but will be starting her show career in two weeks. We have been working on Jessie walking through water, and made big progress today. We are also working on her cantering in circles. She would much rather just charge around on the rail and race towards the gate. Jessie has a very busy mind, and needs to be worked on a regular basis. I probalby won't have another Jessie report until after the show.

Rizzie (Risen Son)-- Rizzie is one of the two resident babies on the farm. He's the only one that is "mine". Several days ago Rizzie skinned up his hocks. We've been treating him with a topical ointment, but he hasn't been very happy about it. As a result he has become a little difficult to catch lately. Kate who helps with some of the training on the farm was here today and worked with him both being handled as well as on the lunge line.

Rosie--Rosie belongs to one of my boarders and is up for sale right now. Kate has been working with her the last several weeks, and has gotten her on the bit very nicely. Pictures will be coming soon.

Shiloh's Tall Tale aka. Shoalih's Tale

Showing off my baby

The above slide show is pictures I've managed to accumulate of my pride and joy...Shiloh. These are all pictures I've found of him on the web. They start with him as a yearling at the Saratoga sale and go up through his winning at the race track. You will find more pictures of him in the bottom slide show at the Clemson show with one of my students aboard back in Dec. 2007. Hopefully I will be able to add some pictures of myself showing him in the near future.

You'll notice a couple of the pictures are during his time at Canter. Please check out their website at http://www.canterusa.org/ohio They are running on very hard times right now and every penny people can send their way is greatly appreciated by the horses. If everyone who checks our blog regularly could send just $5 they could feed a horse for a month.