We ARE having lessons today. If the weather if foul we'll be in the part learning tack parts and cleaning techniques.
If you're in the Charleston area we'd love to meet you.
Clemson End of Summer Show
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Labor day
Just a reminder that there will not be lessons next Monday as it is Labor day. If you want to reschedule let me know.
Posted by
4:12 PM
Monday, August 25, 2008
Cancelled lessons again
I know I had said I would be doing lessons rain or shine for the fall, but the rain Fay is bringing is making it even too wet for that right now. I had a great barn lesson planned, but we have so much standing water today I don't think even that is a good idea. Please call me to reschedule if you had a lesson scheduled for this evening.
Posted by
1:21 PM
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Pics are starting to roll in
I'm starting to get some of the pictures from Clemson. There are many of you who still owe them to me. Get them sent so I can add them. Keep your eye on this slideshow. I'll add pictures as they come in.
Posted by
7:14 AM
Friday, August 22, 2008
Lessons Cancelled
I'm going to go ahead and cancel lessons for tonight. It is just too wet out here.
Posted by
3:22 PM
Stay tuned for weather reports this afternoon.
Right now it is too wet to ride out here today. I am planning unmounted lessons in the barn for todays lesson at 5:30. I'm planning to work on saddle and bridle parts and how to correctly assemble a bridle. However, if the rain hits really really hard I may cancel. If I do I'll post it here.
Posted by
8:21 AM
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
We all need a reminder from time to time
I've seen the billboards for this pair, but this video is still very touching. Just a reminder that we can accomplish more than our imagination can fathom with our hearts in the right place. This makes lame horses, bruised riders, and battle worn trailers seem like nothing. Sometimes we all need a reminder... I'd love to hear how this video effects each of you.
Posted by
8:12 AM
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Stay the course (Clemson recap)
I'm not talking about a jump course here. Leading up to this weekends show God placed every road block possible in our path. I'm sure it was to test my endurance and commitment. We had riders not able to practice, horse injuries, trailer issues, and equipment failure all before we got off the farm Friday morning. I left here with a sense of dread. We arrived in Clemson and all seemed to be smoothing out. Everyone started out schooling very well. Then it happened Tansey's stubborn streak came out and she decided to do a 90 degree pivot right in front of the fence. She pitched Nicole off right into a box. Nicole caught her knee pretty hard on the way down. After the shock wore off she seemed a bit better, but I was still concerned. I had Jessica run her over for x-rays which were inconclusive. The GP in the ER decided to air on the side of caution and put her in a knee immobilizer for the weekend. Sadly, that meant she couldn't show. With a new sense of determination Nicole announced that she absolutely wanted Tansey shown, so Ann stepped in and agreed to get her around cross rails. Needless to say that turned into everything up to 2'3" jumpers for the day. They pinned in everything!!!
The classes on Saturday were very large. Sean (for the second time ever) gave x-rails a go and took the red ribbon in equitation (that's judged on rider position and ability) out of a total 27 riders. Absolutely amazing to me. He then went back in for 2' hunter and eq, both of which went very well. Paula made Amador's debut in the 2' hunter division. His over fences classes did not go as well as we would have liked, but it gave Beth an opportunity to really see how he performs. That set us up for a long overdue conversation. (Announcement to come in the coming weeks) Clemson is a unique show because there is not a hack class for each height, but only for each division. That meant that I had 4 riders in the moving up hack. There were a total of 24 riders in the class. They split the hack in half calling back 4 riders from each half for a final round. We ended up with 3 of the 4 in the final. I have to say it was a very proud moment for me as a trainer to have my riders come out first, second, and third!!! Then we moved on to 2'3". Normally I wouldn't have allowed Emily to ride in the low height, but here mom was able to make a rare out of town appearance for the day. I had to find something she could ride in, so in she went. I was a bit concerned because Gift can be a bit sloppy with her front end when the fences aren't high enough. But low and behold Emily walked away with the reserve for the division. She only rode in half the division classes. Can't imagine how we would have rocked the house had she done the whole division. We rounded out Saturday night with a fantastic meal at Fuddruckers.
Shelton and Randall went on a limb and decided to order the 1lb burger. Randall went the extra mile and added bacon to his. Needless to say (happily by my standards) neither of them finished it. It was fun watching them try though.
This morning started with me waking everyone up to the most amazing Harvest Moon. As soon as the sun came up it brought the rain with it. I never knew how scary an empty indoor arena could be until I saw lightning touch down just outside the front entrance. It shook every beam in the building and was accompanied by the loudest thunder clap I've heard in quite awhile. Today was to be a full day for Emily and Gift. I was fully prepared to scrap some classes if they started to look tired, but all went very well. Emily walked away with a champion winning all but one class. She took second in an equitation over fences as she completely dropped a rein and was forced to jump the oxer with it hanging on Gift's neck. Paula got in on the jumper action and took home the yellow in the beginner jumper (2'6") class. Emily also gave the jumpers a go and came out in the ribbons in the larger jumper class and the gambler's choice.
The final component of this show was the Dressage. That is what Kaijsa came for. She rode 3 dressage tests. One of which was part of a combined training test that also required her to complete a stadium jumper course. Kaijsa was really looking forward to the opportunity to get the rest of the barn engrossed in "her" sport. Not every move went according to plan as Em thought this was a good weekend to iron out her flying changes, but if you didn't know any better her test looked seamless. The judge must have thought so to. Kaijsa brought home the blue, in not one, not two, but all three of her tests!!! Paula also got in on the dressage action. She jumped way up the starting rungs and jumped straight into a memorized Training level test. But, no not Paula she couldn't start with the first test of the level and build up to the more challenging one. If she was going to do it she wanted to push herself to the limit. We did the final test before you move up a level. She rode Training level test 4 on Amador. They've really only worked on his flat movement and putting him into a dressage frame for about two weeks. I didn't have high expectation. I told her if they came out with a 50 I'd be happy. Woo Hoo was I suprised when she pulled a 59 out of her helmet. If we can fine tune her accuracy and seat usage she'll be ready to move up. Oh wait, she has to learn what a shoulder in is. All in good time.
I want to extend some special gratitude to a few behind the scenes members of our team this weekend. The show portion of this weekend went off without a hitch. I was only given one occasion to be frustrated. I'm sure that without the following members of our team it never could have happened. Emily's boyfriend Tyler who has been around the fringes the last 3 months or so jumped in with both feet this weekend. We had him holding horses, moving hay, moving trailers, and anything else possible. He, Randall, and Shelton were a true pleasure to have. Heck without Randall's mechanical ability we never would have got off the farm on Friday. Then we have Jessica who served as my right hand in the barn this weekend. She was given the opportunity to show Tansey (whom she truly enjoys), but passed that up to fulfill the commitment she had made in the barn.
Last, but not least we have our parents. I have some of the most outstanding parents. I have trained in enough barns to know that I am a very blessed trainer. Many of the parents were faced with very big growth areas this weekend. I think everyone of them stepped up to the plate and hit home runs. The kids may not say it to you, but I know that each and everyone of them appreciates what you do. They know how lucky they are to be able to do this and recognize the sacrifices that you make to allow horses in their lives. NONE of them say it enough, but THANK YOU from me and them!!!
(slide show coming soon)
Posted by
9:38 PM
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Great learning tool
One of my mom's was talking about a website that her daughter has been spending a bunch of time on. Howrse.com is a horse "game", but you have to gain knowledge and experience to progress. There are natural time restraints built into the game to keep the flow going. When you register it will ask who referred you. My user id is trainerextrodinare If you register and want to come check out the farm I'm boarding at let me know I'll send you the address.
Posted by
8:03 AM
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Weather and lessons
I just wanted to remind everyone that with the return to the fall schedule we will have lessons rain or shine today. I'm guessing it will be raining so rain jackets will be a good plan. We will be in the barn working on anatomy today. If the weatherman is wrong and it dries up we'll go ahead and ride. If the wind is out of control and driving becomes unsafe I will post a cancellation notice later today.
Posted by
6:53 AM
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Never ends
The excitement never ends around here. I was going for 14 hours straight yesterday. I didn't even get a chance to check e-mail midstream. I taught a lesson in the morning. Then Paula and I went across town to check out a couple of horses for sale. I got home just in time to teach evening lessons. My Intermediate kids had a very good night. We were working some gymnastics to establish rythym for all of them as prep for this weekend. Amador still believes he has to get the big horse distances, so is a bit quick down the lines. But, he truly has given Paula his heart. He hasn't offered to stop with her since the very first time. After this weekend I will ride him a few times (with her permission) and really force the slow down with him. Sean and Maggie are doing fantastic for novice riders. When they have a funny landing she will still think about a small buck, but man when they get it together they are almost unstoppable. LEt's hope all pistons are a go this weekend.
Speaking of car repairs...Dan was working on his brakes last night after I came in for the evening. I got in the shower and had just sat down when I heard a scream out the back door. I look out and he's hopping around on 1 foot with a wealth of colorful vocabularly coming out of his mouth. Before he even had his shoe on there was a knot the size of a raquetball on his foot. I gave him some ibuprofen and had him get cleaned up in the shower. Then we went to East Cooper. I whole heartedly expected it to be broken...Good news it was just soft tissue damage. Needless to say he's home for a couple of days with limited mobility, and the car is laying on it's rotor. I know not good, but not something I can deal with right now.
I'm on my way to meet Diane to go to North Carolina. We need to make a new addition to the family. We're picking up Danny who is the camp pony that Paula learned to jump 3 foot on. He can't do that sort of height anymore, but she is still very excited to have him coming to the farm as a lesson pony.
Finally, you will find I added a couple of features to the blog page. The important one is an SMS sender. YOu an send me text messages if you need anything. Yes, I do in fact have a new phone, and yes I am in fact carrying it. I won't list the area code. If you're local you should know it. The rest is 408-7500.
Posted by
6:29 AM
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Not ready to show, but want to get involved?
The Pinto association is looking for some help with gates, ribbons, announcing, etc this fall. If anyone is interested in helping get with Landry through the association website.
Posted by
5:04 PM
Lessons Cancelled
Due to the incredible heat I am canceling all lessons tonight. I'm sorry but it is just to hot to ride. If you'd like to reschedule feel free to call me.
Posted by
1:45 PM
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Hunting Season
Just a short reminder Deer season starts Aug 15. Be sure you wear orange on the trails. If you need vests they are in the lesson tack room.
Posted by
3:34 PM
Heat Advisory
We're under a fairly significant heat adivsory for today. I'm going to cancel all afternoon lessons. (Sean your late one is the exception) If you want to reschedule please give me a call to do so.
Posted by
11:11 AM
Kenzie's Birthday
Kenzie turned 3 this week. We're planning to celebrate her birthday at Splash Island this Sunday at 3:30. Everyone is invited. Please RSVP this week if you'd like to join us.
Posted by
7:25 AM
Monday, August 4, 2008
Lesson Update 8/4 am
I'm cancelling all morning lessons for today. It stormed hard here last night and is very wet. Stay tuned for an afternoon report. At this point I'm planning on it drying out enough that we will be okay to have lessons. I will try to post cancellations to the blog as much as possible this fall to simplify getting a hold of everyone.
Posted by
7:07 AM
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Congratulations Amelia!
The website hasn't been updated yet, but it's official Amelia WON the photo contest with her submission. Her picture of Sean and Maggie at Clemson won the division. Her picture of Shiloh took fifth. It wasn't a "true" head study as it didn't include his entire head.
Posted by
10:03 PM
Fall Schedule Reminder
Just a reminder that the fall schedule starts tomorrow. If you have any questions about what time you're riding let me know.
Posted by
9:45 AM
Shiloh's Tall Tale aka. Shoalih's Tale
Showing off my baby
You'll notice a couple of the pictures are during his time at Canter. Please check out their website at http://www.canterusa.org/ohio They are running on very hard times right now and every penny people can send their way is greatly appreciated by the horses. If everyone who checks our blog regularly could send just $5 they could feed a horse for a month.